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Is personal debt shared in divorce?

Divorce solicitor, Chris Miller explains how debt after divorce works. On the other hand, it's clear that any debt in your name (or joint names) is one that you are personally liable for. So even if the holiday you paid for on your credit card was for both of you, you're still responsible for paying it all off.

Should I pay off debt before divorce?

If you have any joint debt with your spouse and you can afford to, we highly recommend paying off all marital debt, even before you draw up the divorce papers. If not before you file for divorce, try to get it done before you're officially divorced.

Why would my husband hide money from me?

Reasons for Financial Infidelity. People keep financial secrets from their partners for a variety of reasons. Most often, they're simply trying to avoid getting into a fight over money. In other cases, the spouse who hides money is doing so to cover up something else, such as addiction or a sexual affair.

Is hiding assets in divorce illegal?

Ultimately, a husband who is hiding assets is hoping to keep more marital property for himself while preventing his wife from getting the fair settlement she's entitled to. It's a strategy that's misguided, underhanded, deplorable . . . and completely illegal.

How do I find out if my spouse has a hidden bank account?

If your spouse has a hidden bank account, he may be checking information online. Check the browser history on your family computer and note if your spouse has visited the websites of financial institutions you don't have an account with.

How do you find hidden money?

To find your hidden money, go to http://www.missingmoney.com/, an official database for the NAUPA that has records from most state unclaimed property programs. You can also link to your individual state unclaimed property program.

Where would a hoarder hide money?

- Look for valuables. Check in unlikely places, like the backs of picture frames, inside books, throughout closets and in refrigerators and freezers for hidden cash or valuables.


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