Oakland, Macomb, Wayne and Livingston County Criminal Defense Attorneys

At William W. Fischer, P.C., we have helped thousands of Michigan clients secure positive results, and this is the measure by which a law firm should be judged. We receive countless referrals from satisfied clients and attorneys around the country seeking a fresh perspective in difficult defense litigation.

Criminal Law and the Aggressive Criminal Defense

William W. Fischer, P.C., has been involved with criminal defense since 1976. William W. Fischer leads a team of experienced trial attorneys willing to undertake some of the most difficult criminal cases. Many criminal cases, due to the sentencing guidelines utilized in Michigan, will require an aggressive defense. From drunk driving and domestic violence to criminal felony cases, our firm has the experience and knowledge to provide a well-developed case strategy and tactical defense. The best results are obtained by the attorney willing to fight for the client’s rights.

In most criminal defense cases, the defense attorney must be prepared for trial. Prosecutors know which attorneys are not willing to fight and will treat these attorneys differently than those attorneys willing to fight hard for their client. As a result, the defense attorney must be prepared for trial. This usually involves an aggressive defense, which can require considerable time, including research, witness investigation and trial preparation. An effective defense in criminal law cases necessarily involves the application of law to facts, and for this reason, the criminal defense attorney must be familiar with the statutes and municipal ordinances, caselaw involving constitutional questions, and the applicable criminal jury instructions.

Fundamentally, a criminal law case is, essentially, a test of the legal sufficiency of the charge made against the defendant. It is a determination of whether the prosecutor has proven his/her case beyond a reasonable doubt. It is not a determination of whether the defendant actually committed the offense (although most people believe such is the case) since that is not relevant. The real test at trial is whether the prosecutor can prove the allegation beyond a reasonable doubt.

The four possibilities in criminal cases:

Defendant did itProsecutor can prove itGuilty
Defendant did not do itProsecutor cannot prove itNot guilty
Defendant did itProsecutor cannot prove itNot guilty
Defendant did not do itProsecutor can prove itGuilty

The chart above is illustrative. Simply put, if the prosecutor can prove the defendant did it, beyond a reasonable doubt, then the defendant is found guilty, whether or not he or she actually committed the act. Conversely, if the prosecutor cannot prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, the defendant is found not guilty, regardless of whether he or she committed the act. Thus, a trial is a test of the legal sufficiency of the proofs presented by the prosecutor, and nothing more.

Remain Silent and Seek Counsel Immediately

Whenever a person is accused of a crime, we usually advise that person to exercise their right to remain silent and to seek counsel immediately. You are not required to participate in your own prosecution!


The only person a suspect can confide in is the defense attorney. Anything said to your attorney is confidential, and this confidentiality is protected by what is sometimes referred to as the attorney-client privilege.

Know Your Rights

Anyone charged with a criminal offense is entitled to know what rights he/she has. Most people are surprised to learn what information about a particular case is available to the criminal defendant. At our firm, we obtain copies of all the available evidence the prosecutor intends to use.

If you or a loved one has been arrested, we can help you understand what to do after an arrest.

Criminal Defense and Trial Attorneys Serving Southeast Michigan

Our Oakland, Macomb, Wayne and Livingston County criminal defense lawyers have more than 38 years of practical experience in criminal defense and have tried criminal cases at all levels of the state and federal courts. We defend clients charged with all types of felonies and misdemeanors, including:

  • Violent crimes — Murder, manslaughter, armed robbery, assault, domestic violence and other violent crimes
  • Drug crimes — Possession, trafficking, sales and manufacturing of heroin, marijuana, meth, crack, illegally obtained prescription drugs and other narcotics
  • Theft crimes — Robbery, burglary, grand theft auto, larceny and shoplifting
  • White collar crimes — Embezzlement and all types of fraud, including credit card fraud, mortgage fraud, bank fraud, securities fraud and others.
  • Internet crimes — Identity theft, scams and solicitation
  • Drunk driving and traffic matters — First-time DUI, multiple DUI, traffic violations, driver’s license suspension and revocation
  • Other charges — Trespassing, disorderly conduct, sex crimes, parole violations, probation violations and other charges and violations

We represent clients throughout Michigan facing fines, jail time or a permanent criminal record for convictions. We can assist at every stage, from initial investigation to sentencing and appeal. Our skilled defense attorneys also handle civil rights cases involving police misconduct and wrongful conviction.

Contact Our Firm: 909-576-3773

If you are facing serious criminal charges in southeast Michigan, contact a trial lawyer from William W. Fischer, P.C., for a free consultation and gain the benefit of more than 38 years of successful criminal defense representation.